by Healthcare Educators Team
With more than 62 million Medicare participants, there are few financial areas as inviting as is Medicare to unscrupulous scammers. Despite the best efforts to stop Medicare scams from proliferating, there is simply no way for law enforcement to keep up. Every year,...
by Healthcare Educators Team
It’s not a given that Medicare automatically approves helpful, alternative medical care. The better news is that alternative care is not automatically denied, either. The challenge for many Medicare beneficiaries is understanding the rules of their state and insurance...
by Healthcare Educators Team
As a green card holder, there are several factors you need to consider regarding your eligibility for Medicare. By understanding these factors, you can make informed decisions about your health care options. Eligibility is dependent on meeting residency requirements...
by Healthcare Educators Team
Your Medicare benefits will come in handy if you experience any health issues. But what if you stay healthy all year? That’s great, but you should still take advantage of your Medicare benefits. As a Medicare beneficiary, you’re entitled to various preventive...
by Healthcare Educators Team
If you get tricked by a clever April Fool’s Day prank, you can laugh it off. If you get tricked by a common Medicare misconception, it’s no laughing matter. Medicare mistakes can be expensive, and there are enough Medicare myths out there to make even the wisest...