by Healthcare Educators Team
When you turn 65, you age into Medicare. For many people, this is fantastic news. Others, however, may have other coverage that they want to keep. This raises the question – can you have private insurance AND Medicare? In some cases, this is possible. Job-Based or...
by Healthcare Educators Team
The Medicare Annual Election Period is coming up. Between October 15 and December 7, Medicare beneficiaries can change their enrollment for the following year. This is a great opportunity to make sure you have the right coverage for your needs. Before you choose a...
by Healthcare Educators Team
More than 60 million people are enrolled in Medicare. Despite the fact that nearly 20 percent of the U.S. population uses Medicare, there are a lot of misconceptions about it. To clear things up, it’s time to get schooled on the ABCs of Medicare and Medicare...
by Healthcare Educators Team
Medicare beneficiaries have options. While this is a good thing, it can also lead to confusion. Selecting the right plan is a high-stakes decision. Adding to the pressure, beneficiaries can only make decisions during certain periods. To make the right decisions, they...
by Healthcare Educators Team
Health care is one of the biggest expenses retirees face. According to the most recent estimates from Fidelity, the average couple will spend about $285,000 on health care during retirement. Given the high medical costs, it’s clear that selecting the right health...