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Medicare Insurance Guidance – Parts A, B, C and D
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Medicare Insurance Savings Programs
Many of our clients qualify for Medicare Savings Programs. These programs pay for the Medicare Part A deductible, Part B deductible, Part B Co-Insurance, and Part B Premium.
If your income is within limits set by the Social Security Administration, we can assist in lowering monthly premiums, annual deductibles, and co-payments to your Part D plan. This program has several names including Extra Help and Low Income Subsidy (LIS).
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At Healthcare Educators we pride ourselves in helping all of our clients acquire the services and benefits that best suits their needs. We gladly provide FREE consultations to everyone
Medicare Articles
I Missed My Medicare Initial Enrollment Period. Now What?
For most people turning 65, Medicare enrollment occurs in the seven-month Initial Enrollment Period (IEP) which is the three months before your birth month, the month you turn 65, and the three following months. What happens if you missed your IEP? It’s important to...
Understanding Medicare Advantage and Medigap – Which is Right for You
When you are eligible to sign up for Medicare, there are several decisions you will need to make. Original Medicare (Part A and Part B) will not cover everything, which could result in a costly gap in coverage. There are two ways to close that gap: Medicare Advantage...
Texas Health Insurance After Retirement: Medicare, COBRA or Both?
There are many decisions you need to make when approaching retirement. Making the right choice about your health insurance is one of the most important ones. Because retirement is considered a qualifying event, if you work for an employer with 20 or more employees,...
How to Recognize and Avoid Medicare Scams
With more than 62 million Medicare participants, there are few financial areas as inviting as is Medicare to unscrupulous scammers. Despite the best efforts to stop Medicare scams from proliferating, there is simply no way for law enforcement to keep up. Every year,...
Does Medicare Cover Alternative Medicine?
It’s not a given that Medicare automatically approves helpful, alternative medical care. The better news is that alternative care is not automatically denied, either. The challenge for many Medicare beneficiaries is understanding the rules of their state and insurance...
Medicare Eligibility for Green Card Holders
As a green card holder, there are several factors you need to consider regarding your eligibility for Medicare. By understanding these factors, you can make informed decisions about your health care options. Eligibility is dependent on meeting residency requirements...